Restless Pursuits

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The Best Tulip Fields Without Crowds in the Netherlands

It is the beginning of April and that means tulip time has arrived in the Netherlands. Tulip season here is from Mid-March to Mid-May. The peak time varies depending on the weather but usually the best time to see the tulips is Mid-April to Mid-May. There are so many ways to see the tulips in the Netherlands from the most popular Keukenhof Gardens and fields surrounding Lisse to the lesser known fields in the North. Do you want to know where to find the best tulip fields without crowds in the Netherlands? You have come to the right place!!

Orange tulip field in the Netherlands - tulip fields without crowds

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The Popular Tulip Attractions with the Biggest Crowds

Tulips at Keukenhof Gardens
Tulips at Keukenhof Gardens

First where not to go if you want to avoid the crowds. During the spring, the influx of tourists in the Netherlands is significant. There is only a short time to see the tulips and everyone wants to see them, including myself. The majority of the tourists will spend their days wandering the fields and gardens in the Bollenstreek flower strip which is the area between Haarlem and Leiden. At the center is Keukenhof Gardens

Since this area is so close to Amsterdam, it is the most convenient and most easily accessible. It is definitely set up for tourism. There are many resources online to explore this area if you desire, and you can still enjoy the tulips despite the crowds. However, if you are anything like me, you want to find the best fields to see the tulips in the Netherlands without crowds. So let’s dive in. 

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The Hidden Gems – The Tulip Fields without Crowds

De Tulperij – Tulip Garden

Nestled in the Bollenstreek area is a tulip garden that is less known than Keukenhof Gardens. I can’t promise that there won’t be many tourists, but if you are looking for a cheaper and less touristy alternative to Keukenhof, De Tulperij is the place to visit. Their show gardens are FREE to visit. Who doesn’t like free?! Not only can you wander the beautiful show gardens, but here are some other attractions at De Tulperij

  • Pick Your Own Tulips: Find your perfect bouquet and pay per tulip
  • Pre-order bulbs for the autumn
  • Go on an educational walking tour to learn about the tulip growing process: Reservations required – Adults: €7.95, Children 4-12: €4.50. 
  • Scavenger hunt for the kids: €4.50 per child

Bonus: Can’t make it in April and May? Come between August 12th and October 10th to see the Dahlias in full bloom!

Flevoland Province

Levi by the tulip fields without crowds

Noordoostpolder Tulip Festival

For a beautiful drive through the fields or an experience on a bike, take the path through Noordoostpolder. Between April 19th and May 5, the Tulip Festival Noordoostpolder is going on near Emmeloord. All you have to do is follow the signage around the route. This free tulip field route is a great way to see some of the best tulips without crowds in the Netherlands. 

Maps of the driving and biking routes: 

Tulip Festival route – by car: 108k 

Tulip Festival route – by bike: 27k 

E-Bike Rentals

Shared e-bike rentals: You can rent an e-bike from one of the shared e-bike stations around Emmeloord or Marknesse. Find out the locations of the e-bike hubs here along with any additional important information. 

E-bike Rental in Marknesse: Another option for an e-bike rental in the area is at FietsTechniek Posthuma in Marknesse. You can rent an e-bike there for €20 a day. 

Riding bikes to see the tulip fields
Important Information

These fields along the route and many around the Netherlands are for viewing only. You are not allowed to go into the fields and take pictures or park on the farmers’ lands. There are two locations along this route where you can take pictures in the fields, The Tulip Experience Field and The Tulip Picking Garden. More info below. 

The Tulip Experience Field: This tulip field in Creil is the place to get your instagrammable photos along the Noordoostpolder route. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee and stretch your legs. It’s free to enter and is open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm every day during the Noordoostpolder Tulip Festival.

Tulip Picking Garden: De Tulpenpluktuin in Marknesse is not officially a part of the Tulip Festival but is located in a great spot for you to easily visit while you are there enjoying the tulips. Enjoy a cup of coffee and pick a beautiful bouquet of tulips! It is €2.50 to enter the picking gardens and €10 for a bucket of up to 30 tulips. 

Pink tulip field - tulip fields without crowds

Dronton, Lelystad, Swifterbant and Zeewolde

In addition to the Noordoostpolder route, there are other areas in the Flevoland province that are worth checking out since this area has a high concentration of tulip fields in the Netherlands. The routes pass through Dronton, Lelystad, Swifterbant and Zeewolde. You can download the routes here shortly beforehand.

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North Holland – North of Amsterdam

Kop van Noord-Holland, also known as the Head of Holland, has tulip fields sprinkled all over the countryside. This area north of Amsterdam is best explored by bike. Start your adventure in Schagen and rent bikes at Fred’s Verhuur.

From there, plan your route using the app Fietsknoop. This handy app shows all the bike routes in the Netherlands and makes it easy to navigate them. You can even save the routes you want to take in advance.

I would suggest heading towards Callantsoog through Schagerbrug. If you have the energy and the time, check out the area around Julianadorp and Anna Paulowna too to see some great tulips fields without crowds. 


Another scenic area to explore the tulip fields without crowds is just south of Rotterdam. The island of Goerre-Overflakkee is saturated with gorgeous tulip fields. Just like other locations, please be respectful of the farmers’ fields and never step on or cut the tulips. 

I would recommend packing a lunch, driving around the country roads, and enjoying the beautiful sights of Goeree-Overflakkee. The fields’ locations change every year, but there are so many that it’s not hard to find them. 

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Groningen Province

Fields of tulips in Groningen - tulip fields without crowds
Tulip fields in Groningen

The west side of the Netherlands isn’t the only place to see the tulips either. Groningen province, where we are located 🙂, is also a beautiful place to go tulip spotting. The majority of the fields are located near Uithuizermeeden, Spijk, Oosternieland and Kloosterburen. Since the fields aren’t as close together, I would recommend driving around the area. I can guarantee that you will find the tulip fields without crowds. 

Another option is to plan your trip to Groningen on April 27th, 2024 to participate in “To the Bulbs.” The Rotary in the Hogeland municipality puts on a day long event where they provide walking, biking and driving routes that give you the opportunity to see the best and most tulip fields in the area along with other fun activities placed throughout the route. For more information visit the Rotary’s website here. 

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