Restless Pursuits

Helping adventurous families with older kids and teens explore beautiful destinations while avoiding the crowds

Uncover The Surprising Cost of Visiting Quito, Ecuador

We were excited to get to Quito after visiting the Galapagos. Mainly to slow down the rate we were burning through cash. We knew that our lodging was going to be significantly cheaper, and that we had very minimal transport expenses. We were curious to see how our day-to-day spending would compare though, and how the touristy excursions would stack up. Well, here are our financials from our month in Quito and some of the conclusions we drew about the cost of visiting Quito, Ecuador.

If you are curious about how much we spent in the Galapagos, check it out here: Costs in the Galapagos: How to Budget

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View from our very good airbnb in Quito, Ecuador
View from our Airbnb in Quito


Total: $1,182

  • Airbnb for 29 nights (average of $40.76/night) 2 bedroom 2 baths with incredible views of Carolina Park

Round-Trip Transportation

Total: $321

Day-to-Day Quito Costs

Total: $1,493

  • Groceries, supplies, and meals out

Touristy Excursions

Total: $1,152

Total Cost of Visiting Quito, Ecuador: $4,148

Levi at the top of the Quilotoa Crater - Ecuador
Quilotoa Crate

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Cost of Visiting Quito Takeaways

The cost of visiting Quito is pretty cheap!


Our Airbnb in Quito was amazing! So much nicer than our place in the Galapagos, and it was roughly $35/night cheaper. That saved us almost $1,000 in comparison. 


Transportation to and from Quito was very minimal. The flight down to Ecuador was accounted for last month, but based on using points, it would have only added $100 if we’d included that in the Quito portion of the trip. Again, the expense to get out to the Galapagos from the mainland is what adds up quickly. Overall, it was $2,000 less expensive to get to/from Quito than the Galapagos!

Day-to-Day Quito Costs

Day-to-day costs in Quito were nearly identical to what we spent in the Galapagos. This accounts for all of our food, supplies for our accommodations, getting around the city, etc. When you consider that we splurged on a couple delicious $150+ meals, it is pretty dang reasonable to survive in a major city for about $1,500 for the month.

Touristy Excursions

Aside from the fact that the Galapagos is a touristy excursion in itself, we did about the same number of guided/pay-for-entry excursions in Quito as we did in the Galapagos. The cost of what we did in Quito was $2,000 less than the Galapagos though. Huge difference! 

Summary – Cost of Visiting Quito

All in all, we spent over $5,500 less in Quito than the Galapagos!!! A large drop in spending had been needed and expected, but this still felt significant to us. Strip out the touristy stuff we did, as well as the transportation to and from the city. We learned that we could lead a very comfortable and privileged lifestyle in Quito for less than $3,000/month! This got our creative juices flowing. While Quito may or may not be a place we end up spending more time in down the road, it has shown us what could be possible on a very manageable budget. 

So, stay tuned for what is revealed as we make our way through Colombia. Teaser… the strength of the US Dollar in comparison to the Colombian Peso has been eye opening! 

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