Restless Pursuits

Helping adventurous families with older kids and teens explore beautiful destinations while avoiding the crowds

Cartagena Costs Broken Down: Is It Expensive to Visit This Beautiful City?

While the exchange rate in Colombia continued to be in our favor, we had previously decided to go “all out” on our lodging in Cartagena. This was our biggest, most modern, best beach access, most amenities stop for our time in Latin America. These costs started our numbers off a bit higher, and while many of our other expenses were not huge, we continued to splurge on dining out in this beautiful city. Below are our total Cartagena costs with a summary of our takeaways from each section.

Night View of Cartagena - Airbnb part of the Cartagena cost
View of Cartagena from our Airbnb


(Airbnb for 28 nights, at an average of $125/night)

Total: $3,491

Round-Trip Transportation

Total: $342

  • $  28 – Uber from Medellin Airbnb to Airport
  • $304 – Flight from Medellin to Cartagena for all 4 of us
  • $  10 – Uber from Cartagena Airport to Airbnb


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Day-to-Day Cartagena Costs

Total: $2,071

  • Groceries, supplies, taxis, and dining out

Touristy Excursions

Total: $643

Total: $6,547



Our Airbnb in Cartagena was perfect!  Our 6th story apartment looked out directly over the ocean, and even captured the historic walled city in the distance. It also boasted a pool that allowed us to go jump in the ocean when desired, but relax away from the many beach vendors. The unit itself had great a/c, an updated interior, great living space, comfortable beds, 3 bathrooms, great wi-fi, and even a smart tv that was hooked up to cable (to watch the Niners playoff run), and Netflix for the kids. The only item we didn’t love was that the showers only got to be luke warm at best. Not a huge problem considering we were in a very warm climate. 


Transportation expenses to and from Cartagena were relatively low. We paid up for a flight from Medellin after our last two bus debacles, but we used their local carrier (Viva Air), and paid less than $100/person for the one-way ticket. It was well worth the convenience! 

Day-to-Day Cartagena Costs

Our day-to-day living costs remained elevated this month. The restaurants in Cartagena, similar to Medellin, were incredible, and the prices were extremely approachable. We just couldn’t visit the walled city without partaking in the culinary offerings. 

The colorful streets of the San Diego neighborhood in Cartagena - part of the walking tour - Cartagena costs

Touristy Excursions

We were spoiled with the ocean out our back door, and the walled city just a $2.50 taxi ride away. While there are other islands, towns, and national parks that we could have explored, we were very content staying in Cartagena itself. I am quite positive we will return to this area in the future, so we will be sure to explore more then. 


All in all we spent just over $6,500 during our month in Cartagena. Not cheap, but we truly felt 100% spoiled throughout this entire month. It was very much worth it! 

Read more about what there is to do in city in our “Cartagena Local Guidebook.

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