Restless Pursuits

Helping adventurous families with older kids and teens explore beautiful destinations while avoiding the crowds

Amanda standing in front of Tre Cime - Dolomites, Italy

👋🏼 Hi! I’m Amanda from Restless Pursuits. I create inspiring and helpful travel blogs about beautiful places. My goal is to help adventurous families with older kids and teens explore the world while avoiding the crowds.

Choose a destination below to get started! 🧡 Amanda

Choose A Beautiful Destination

Meet The Adventure Family

We are a family of 4 that loves travel! I, Amanda, do most of the writing and managing of the blog. Mike takes some of the photos and helps me with inspiration and editing. The kids, Levi and Isaac, are here for the ride and having fun (most of the time 😆) along the way! We want to see and experience the world together and do it while we are young(ish). We also want to share this experience with our kids and not wait until retirement. You never know what life will bring you.

Family photo in front at the Santa Magdalen viewpoint in the Dolomites

We enjoy adventure travel where we do outdoor adventures including hiking, exploring beaches, seeing new cities, experiencing new cultures and more. We don’t visit many museums and don’t like crowds. If we visit a popular destination, such as Paris, we try to find how to see the popular attractions with the least amount of people as possible. I mean, who doesn’t want to see the Eiffel Tower?

One thing we wish is that we would have started even earlier. There is just so much to see! However, instead of feeling disappointed that we began “late”, we are encouraged that we have started now and are excited for the future. We hope that we can motivate you to begin your exploration of the world if you haven’t started already!

How We Can Help You Travel

Our goal is to help families with older kids and teens travel. This might not look like the same type of travel that we do and that’s okay! You don’t have to sell all of your belongings and move halfway across the world to enjoy a trip. You don’t have to travel for 4 weeks straight. Instead, maybe you strategically plan trips on long weekends or during spring break. What is important is that it works for your family situation.

We share tips with you on how to travel adventurously with a family and avoid the crowds. We are here to share what we have learned from our trips, so you don’t make the same mistakes we did. In addition, we will give you ways to save money on vacation, make a travel budget, plan your trip so that everyone in the family enjoys it and doesn’t complain the whole time, keep yourself and your stuff secure, and smoothly travel using travel hacks that we have learned along the way.

Sound good? Click the Family Travel Tips button to start reading.

Where To Next?

Where should I go on a family trip? What are the best places to visit? What are the most interesting things to do? Where can I get the best pasta bolognese in Bologna? These are very common questions when booking a trip. When I go on vacation, I want to have a great time and eat delicious food—these are the most important things to me! 😀

Even though we haven’t been everywhere yet, we’re working on it and have a lot of resources for you. Since we like to take our time and really explore each place, it takes a while to gather all the info for you.

To help you plan your trip and speed up what information I can get for you, I talk to other awesome travel experts and normal folks who live in the places you want to visit. I ask them about the best things to do, where to eat, and where to stay. These local travel guides are at the top of each destination page and give you a local’s advice on the top attractions, best restaurants, hotel options, and more!

Looking for a specific destination and what to do there? Click Where to Next? to start your journey.

We hope you become excited about adventure family travel through reading our blog. 

Family photo on the equator

The Smith Family

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