Restless Pursuits

Helping adventurous families with older kids and teens explore beautiful destinations while avoiding the crowds

Travel Safety Tips For Families: How To Stay Safe On Vacation

Over the last 6 weeks I have been addressing the top safety concerns that families have when traveling and giving helpful tips on how to keep you and your family safe. My hope is that when you use these safety tips, your vacation feels stress free because you are prepared and ready for anything. And that’s what a trip should be all about, right? Having the ability to relax and experience something new without anxiety or worry. In this post, I wanted to recap all of the travel safety tips for families. AND in addition, I have created a Safety Checklist that will keep you organized, make travel safety easy and prepare you to take flight. 

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Stay Connected 

Phone booth in London with Big Ben in the background - travel safety tips for families

In the first blog, I spoke about staying connected when traveling abroad. Communication is key. I think we have become a little too dependent on our phones. I know I have. When I’m traveling and my phone doesn’t work, I feel lost. Do you feel the same? If so, use these effective tips to stay connected. 

  1. Tell your family or a good friend where you are traveling and where you are staying. Give them your itinerary and the hotels where you will be spending the night.  
  2. Register your trip with the embassy or consulate.
  3. Use these helpful apps abroad:
    1. Whatsapp – you can call or text using data or wifi. This is the easiest way to stay connected. Make sure your family and friends have Whatsapp too, so that you can keep in contact with them while on the road. 
    2. Airlo – getting an e-sim has never been easier. This cheap way to stay connected is a must! 
    3. Life360 – If you want your loved ones to be able to track where you are, check out this handy app. 
  4. Make sure you have a portable charger with you so your phone never dies! I forgot mine when I was visiting Amsterdam the other day and totally regretted it. 
  5. Add the emergency numbers of the countries you are visiting in your phone’s contact list. 
  6. Can’t get your friends and family to use Whatsapp? Communicate through DMs on social media. 
  7. Download offline maps and guides if you are traveling and may lose service. 

Keep Your Money Safe

Family photo of a Cartagena sunset on the wall

Money is up next. It is always important that you can access your money when traveling and you reduce the risk of it getting stolen. Here are some crucial travel safety tips for families traveling with money. 

  1. Use credit cards whenever possible to prevent fraudulent charges. 
  2. Tell your bank where you are going so that they don’t block your charges.
  3. Use ATMs safely to get cash out. 
  4. Split up your cash. When you carry your money in different places the risk of losing all of it in a theft is much lower. 
  5. Carry your cash in a smart way using the right purse or a money belt. 
  6. Always keep an eye on your belongings. 
  7. Don’t show off how much money you have by wearing expensive jewelry or taking out rolls of cash. 

Staying Healthy on Vacation

Boys with their drinks at Somos, Ecuador - travel safety tips for families

No one wants to get sick on a trip. To feel your best and keep you and your family healthy when traveling, use these valuable tips.

  1. Stay hydrated. Always drink enough water when out and about. 
  2. Practice good hygiene by wiping down the plane or train seat and tray before using it. Also, wash your hands often, especially before eating.
  3. Check for required or recommended vaccinations.
  4. Get enough sleep. Don’t forget the little one’s nap! Bonus jet lag tips in this blog post!
  5. Avoid risky water and food. 
  6. Always wear a seat belt. 
  7. Protect your skin – even when it’s cloudy! Sunscreen is your best friend. 
  8. Invest in travel medical insurance. Check out Visitors Coverage here. 


Hotel and Airbnb Travel Safety Tips for Families

View of Medellin from Airbnb balcony - travel safety tips for families

Choosing a safe hotel or Airbnb goes a long way into feeling safe in a new destination. I have some handy tips to help you feel safe and choose the best place to stay. Check out these hotel specific travel safety tips for families.

  1. Find a safe location. Make sure the neighborhood is safe in the evenings and during the day. 
  2. Check your hotel’s safety measures. Do they have a security guard? Or security cameras?
  3. Make sure to always deadbolt your hotel door when inside. I also recommend hanging the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the outside to let people know you are inside and to stay away!
  4. Secure your belongings when you are out for the day in the hotel’s safe. 
  5. Don’t let people on the hotel elevator that don’t have a key to a room. 
  6. Use hotels with good reputations and always read the reviews. If you see a few bad reviews, choose a different hotel!
  7. Avoid being a victim of a vacation rental scam. Many tips on how to book good Airbnbs in the blog post here. 


Staying Safe on Public Transportation + Rental Car Tips

Train station Belgium - public transportation safety tips

There are a few important things to be aware of when using public transportation abroad. After using public transportation in many countries around the world, I have some beneficial tips that will keep you and your belongings safe when on public transportation in another country. 

  1. When on a bus or train, don’t fall asleep. You might miss your stop, and you are more likely to be a target for theft. 
  2. Don’t let your belongings out of your sight. Besides putting your bags under a bus, you should always be able to see your luggage. 
  3. Avoid traveling during rush hour. You are more likely to get your wallet snatched if you make the journey in a crowded train or bus. 
  4. Always make sure your taxi or Uber driver is licensed.
  5. Sit in the back seat of a taxi. You are less vulnerable here. 
  6. Follow along on the map when you are in a taxi to make sure you are going in the right direction. If you aren’t or you feel unsafe, call the police. 
  7. Always wear your seatbelt!
  8. If you rent a car, do a little research on road signs in the country where you are visiting. They may not be the same. 
  9. Plan out your journey beforehand and download a map. If you lose coverage, you can still follow along on the map and find your way.
  10. When parking your rental car, make sure all of your things are out of sight. If you leave something on the seat, you are more likely to become a target of a robbery. 
  11. Make sure the rental car is working properly before taking off on a road trip. 

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Crowd Safety Travel Tips For Families

family dressed in orange ready to celebrate Koningsdag in the Netherlands

When traveling to certain destinations or activities, crowds are unavoidable. In order to make sure everyone stays safe and your belongings don’t get lost, follow these simple travel tips for families that are going to experience a crowd. 

  1. Dress your kids in bright colors so they are easy to spot in a crowd.
  2. Write your phone number on their arm or on a piece of paper in their pocket. 
  3. Choose a meeting spot that everyone can find in case you get separated. 
  4. Make sure your cell phone is charged and with you. 
  5. Link arms when moving through a heavy crowd. 
  6. Wear closed toed shoes to protect those little toes. 
  7. Don’t wear loose clothing or jewelry that could get snagged on something or someone. 
  8. Be vigilant. If you sense the crowd getting violent or if something is off, leave right away. 
  9. Don’t drink too much alcohol and always stay hydrated. 
  10. If you have small children, lift them on your shoulders if in a very busy crowd. They will feel calmer because they can see and be able to breathe easier up there too. 
  11. Only bring the necessities with you. 
  12. Carry your belongings in a safe way. I recommend a money belt, crossover purse or at the very least use your front pocket.

Safety Checklist to Prepare for Your Trip

As promised, here is a checklist to help you prepare for and implement the above travel safety tips for families. I have organized it into items to pack and things to do.

Safety Supplies Packing List

🔲 Cell Phone

🔲 Chargers

🔲 Adapters

🔲 Portable Charger

🔲 A couple of credit cards

🔲 A debit card

🔲 Crossover purse or money belt

🔲 Water bottle – Larq is a great option if you are traveling somewhere with bad water. 

🔲 Antibacterial wipes

🔲 Hand sanitizer

🔲 Melatonin

🔲 Sunscreen

🔲 Lightweight car seat or booster (for young kids)

🔲 Door stop

🔲 Bright shirts for the kids (if going to a festival/crowd)

🔲 AirTags

Travel Safety To Do List

🔲 Give your itinerary to a family member or friend

🔲 Register your trip with the embassy or consulate

🔲 Download Whatsapp and make sure your loved ones have your number

🔲 Buy an e-sim through Airlo

🔲 Download Life360 – make group with family or friends

🔲 Put emergency numbers in your phone contact list

🔲 Download offline maps

🔲 Contact your bank and tell them where you are going

🔲 Check for recommended or required vaccinations

🔲 Plan down time and naps in your itinerary

🔲 Invest in travel medical insurance 

🔲 Book a safe hotel or vacation rental in a secure location

🔲 Research the country’s driving rules if renting a car

🔲 Plan out how to get from one place to the next

Interested in getting this checklist as a pdf?

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There is no guarantee that something won’t go wrong on your vacation. It is almost certain that it won’t go as planned. However, with a little preparation, you can reduce your risk of bad things happening to you and your family when you are traveling. At the very least have the strategies and knowledge to figure it out easily using these travel safety tips for families. 


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